Significantly revised and updated, the 2nd edition of Muscle and Sensory Testing incorporates precise anatomic testing techniques in a well-organized and easy-to-use format. It features a unique chapter on sensory testing, illustrations of gravity-resisted and gravity-eliminated positions for testing, and a chapter on using observational gait analysis as a screening tool for muscle testing. Photographs of testing procedures and line drawings are included; the line drawings of muscles are now enhanced to show innervations. This new edition also includes a CD-ROM with valuable additional material. Instructor resources available; contact your sales representative for details.
1. Fundamentals of Manual Muscle Testing 2. Techniques of Manual Muscle Testing: Upper Extremity 3. Techniques of Manual Muscle Testing: Head, Neck, and Trunk 4. Techniques of Manual Muscle Testing: Lower Extremity 5. Techniques of Functional Muscle Testing 6. Techniques of Pediatric Muscle Testing 7. Handheld Dynamometry for Muscle Testing 8. Techniques of the Sensory Examination 9. Techniques of the Remainder of the Neurologic Examination: Coordination, Mental Status, Cranial Nerves, and Superficial Reflexes 10. Observational Gait Analysis as a Screening Tool
Appendices A. Average Joint Ranges of Motion B. Muscle Innervations by Spinal Cord Level C. Muscle Innervations by Peripheral Nerve