The impact of viruses on the human population is inevitable. But not all viruses are deadly. There are good viruses that occupy our body and the environment. These bacteria-eating viruses are called bacteriophages. From birth to adulthood, bacteriophages have a consequential impact on human health by stabilizing the beneficial bacteria. Bacteriophages can arrest the bacterial machinery and kill them, which finds direct use in curing bacterial infections, known as phage therapy. In the future, phages, instead of antibiotics, will be used to treat bacterial diseases.
Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgement; Introducing Bacteriophages; Understanding Bacteriophage-Host Interaction; Bacteriophage-Eukaryotic Host Interaction; Bacteriophage Genome and Replication; Structural and Morphological Diversity of Bacteriophages; Bacteriophages as Natural Predators; Bacteriophages in Human Health; Bacteriophages and Phage-Derived Endolysins as Antibacterials; Bacteriophages in Veterinary Medicine; Bacteriophages in the Treatment of Biofilms; Application of Bacteriophages in the Food Industry; Other Applications of Bacteriophages; About the Editor; List of Contributors; Index.
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