A significant number of patients seen by general practitioners are suffering from infections. Although many of these are minor and self-limiting, they provide an important opportunity for improving the doctors own understanding of the patients response to illness, and for enabling the GP to educate the patient in ways in which certain infections may be prevented. Infectious diseases are also a major cause of mortality and morbidity in the modern developed world and, with morepeople travelling internationally than ever before, there is an increased risk of the spread of serious, non-endemic disease. An important part of the primary health care teams work is directed towards the prevention of infection through health education, immunization, or a combination of both theseapproaches. Infection provides a unique insight into the role of infection, seen from the combined perspective of GPs, an infectious diseases physician, and a medical microbiologist. It provides detailed information on the wide range of infections which are seen by GPs, including trivial viral infections, life-threatening acute bacterial meningitis, and imported infections such as malaria or typhoid fever. Included are case histories which reflect common practice both in primary care and withinthe hospital setting, as well as proposed guidelines for the management of infections which may present in general practice. Throughout the authors emphasize the role of teamwork as well as prevention in contemporary primary care through improved patient education.
Introduction; Prevention; Symptoms and signs; Investigations; Treatment; ENT and eyes; Lower respiratory tract; CNS; Gastrointestinal; Urinary tract; Genital; Bones and joints; Skin and soft tissues; Generalised infections; Infection and travel; HIV infections/epilogue;
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