In this issue of Medical Clinics of North America, guest editor Dr. Douglas Paauw brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Newer Outpatient Therapies and Treatments. Top experts provide insights into recent pharmacologic treatments, review new uses for old drugs, discuss new technologies used in the outpatient setting, and address complementary/alternative options with strong evidence.
Treatment and Management of Gastrointestinal Disorders Treatment of Common Dermatologic Conditions Newer Therapies in Rheumatology New Therapies in Outpatient Pulmonary Medicine Update on Therapies and Treatments in Women’s Health Therapy for Hyperlipidemia Update on Therapies in Older Adults Newer Treatments for Mood and Anxiety Disorders Newer Outpatient Diabetes Therapies and Technologies Novel Therapies for the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Updates for Primary Care Advances in Outpatient Therapies and Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Comprehensive Review for Men’s Health
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