In this issue of Critical Care Clinics, guest editors Drs. Jordan A. Kempker, Elizabeth Chuang, and Crystal E. Brown bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Health Disparities and Health Equity in Critical Care. Top experts cover key topics such as race, ethnicity, and gender disparities in management and outcomes of critically ill children and neonates, critically ill adults with trauma, critically ill adults with acute respiratory failure, critically ill adults with acute myocardial infarction, critically ill adults with acute cerebrovascular accident, critically ill adults with sepsis; and more.
Assessing Social Determinants of Health During Critical Illness: Implications and Methodologies Health Disparities in the Management and Outcomes of Critically Ill Children and Neonates: A Scoping Review Disparities in Access, Management and Outcomes of Critically Ill Adult Patients with Trauma Race and Ethnicity Disparities in Management and Outcomes of Critically Ill Adults with Acute Respiratory Failure Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Disparities in Acute Myocardial Infarction Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Disparities in the Management and Outcomes of Critically Ill Adults with Acute Stroke Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Disparities in Management and Outcomes of Critically Ill Adults with Sepsis Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Differences in Critical Care Near the End of Life: A Narrative Review Workforce Diversity and Equity Among Critical Care Physicians Cultivating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Pulmonary and Critical Care Training: A Path Toward Health Care Excellence Social Disparities and Critical Illness during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Narrative Review A Clinician’s Guide to Understanding Bias in Critical Clinical Prediction Models.
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