This best-selling volume in The Secrets Series® is back in an exciting, fully updated 4th Edition! Youll find all of the features you rely on the Secrets for-such as a question-and-answer format . bulleted lists . mnemonics . Key Points” boxes . and tips from the authors.
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I. BASIC LIFE SUPPORT General Approach to the Critically Ill Patient Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Pulse Oximetry and Capnography Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring Interpretation of Arterial Blood Gases Fluid Therapy Nutrition in Critically Ill Patients Noninvasive Ventilation Mechanical Ventilation Discontinuation of Mechanical VentilationII. PROCEDURES Tracheal Intubation and Airway Management Tracheotomy and Upper Airway Obstruction Chest Tubes Bronchoscopy Pacemakers and Defibrillators Circulatory Assist DevicesIII. PULMONARY MEDICINE Acute Pneumonia Asthma Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Cor Pulmonale Acute Respiratory Failure Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Aspiration Hemoptysis Venous Thromboembolism and Fat EmbolismIV. CARDIOLOGY Chest Pain Acute Myocardial Infarction and Pressors Dysrhythmias and Tachyarrhythmias Aortic Dissection Valvular Heart Disease Pericardial Disease (Pericarditis and Pericardial Tamponade)V. INFECTIOUS DISEASE Sepsis, Severe Sepsis Syndrome, and Septic Shock Endocarditis Meningitis Disseminated Fungal Infections Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria Catheter-related Infections and Associated Bacteremia Bioterrorism Skin and Soft Tissue InfectionsVI. RENAL DISEASE Hypertension Acute Renal Failure Renal Replacement Therapy and Rhabdomyolysis Hypokalemia and Hyperkalemia Hyponatremia and HypernatremiaVII. GASTROENTEROLOGY Upper & Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding in the Critically Ill Patient Acute Pancreatitis Hepatitis and Cirrhosis Peritonitis and LavageVIII. ENDOCRINOLOGY Diabetic Ketoacidosis Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome Adrenal Insufficiency in the Intensive Care Unit Thyroid Disease in the Intensive Care UnitIX. HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY Blood Products and Coagulation Thrombocytopenia and Platelets Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Sickle Cell Disease Oncologic Emergencies (including Hypercalcemia)X. RHEUMATOLOGY Rheumatologic Diseases in the ICUXI. NEUROLOGY Coma Brain Death Status Epilepticus Stroke and Cerebral Aneurysms Landry-Guillain-Barré Syndrome Myasthenia Gravis Alcohol Withdrawal Head TraumaXII. SURGERY AND TRAUMA Burns The Acute Abdomen Pneumothorax Flail Chest and Pulmonary Contusion Myocardial ContusionXIII. PERIOPERATIVE CARE Liver and Heart TransplantationXIV. SEDATION and PAIN MANAGEMENT Use of Paralytic Agents in the Intensive Care Unit Pain Management in the Intensive Care Unit Sedation, Analgesia, and DeliriumXV. EMERGENCY MEDICINE Tetanus Anaphylaxis Hypothermia Heat Stroke XVI. TOXICOLOGY General Approach to Poisonings Aspirin Intoxication Acetaminophen OverdoseXVII. OBSTETRICS Care of the Critically Ill Pregnant PatientXVIII. PSYCHIATRY Delirium Anxiety and Agitation in the ICU Neuroleptic Malignant SyndromeXIX. ETHICS Ethics Withdrawal of Treatment XX. ADMINISTRATION ICU Administration Quality Assurance in the ICU Scoring Systems for Comparison of Disease Severity in ICU Patients Evidence-based Critical Care