In this issue of Critical Care Clinics, guest editors Drs. David N. Hager, Kyle Gunnerson, and Stephen Macdonald bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Critical Illness Outside the ICU. Top experts cover key topics such as flight transport of the critically ill; models of critical care in the emergency department; in-hospital triage; rapid response teams; early warning systems; ICU without walls; and more.
Critical Care in the Austere Environment Advanced Critical Care Techniques in the Field Aeromedical Transport for Critically Ill Patients Critical Care Delivery in the Emergency Department: Bringing the Intensive Care Unit to the Patient The Role of Intermediate Care in Supporting Critically Ill Patients and Critical Care Infrastructure Where the Postanesthesia Care Unit and Intensive Care Unit Meet In-Hospital Triage Intensive Care Unit Without Walls Early Warning Systems for Critical Illness Outside the Intensive Care Unit Rapid Response Systems Tele-Critical Care Support Outside the Intensive Care Unit Critical Illness Outside the Intensive Care Unit: Research Challenges in Emergency and Prehospital Settings
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