As the cornerstone of Anesthesiology practice, airway management is a procedure frequently performed by anesthesiologists as well as emergency physicians and intensivists. Since airway devices and techniques continually change, trainees must achieve proficiency with all of the various instruments and methods, and practitioners routinely need to update their airway skills. The Difficult Airway:: A Practical Guide provides practical guidelines for improving the success rates of airwaymanagers of all specialties who use modern airway devices and techniques. The book addresses various clinical scenarios in a user-friendly format that mimics the approach clinicians encounter at educational workshops. Sections address airway devices and techniques, awake intubation, algorithms ofdifficult airway management, pharmacologic adjuncts useful in airway management, equipment, preoxygenation, and patient positioning strategies to ensure effective airway management. The Difficult Airway:: A Practical Guide is augmented by a DVD containing video demonstrations of airway management techniques.
1. Airway Assessment; Ankur Khosla and Davide Cattano; 2. Preparation for Awake Intubation; Carlos Artime; 3. Preoxygenation and Positioning; Henrique Vale and Davide Cattano; 4. Mask Ventilation; William H. Daily; 5. Nasotracheal Intubation; William H. Daily; 6. Supraglottic Airway Devices; William H. Daily; 7. ETTs and Laryngoscopy Techniques; William H. Daily; 8. Intubation Stylets; Lara Ferrario; 9. Flexible Fiberoptic Intubation; Carlos Artime; 10. Retrograde Intubation; Katherine Normand and Paul Aucoin; 11. Percutaneous Transtracheal Jet Ventilation; Katherine Normand; 12. Cricothyrotomy; Katherine Normand; 13. Extubation Catheters; Lara Ferrario; 14. Combination Techniques; Jay Pinsky and Carin A. Hagberg; 15. Pediatric Airway Management; Ranu Jain; 16. Difficult Airway Supplies; William H. Daily; 17. Special Considerations for Out of OR and CPR; Sam Gumbert; 18. Communication of the Difficult Airway and Dissemination of Critical Airway Information; Sam Gumbert;
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