This manual describes in simple language the clinical and technical skills of an anaesthetic assistant. The key learning points are highlighted, and a comprehensive up-to-date reading list is included to guide the trainee to areas of further reading.
Section 1 - Preparation for Anaesthesia and Surgery; a) Preparation of the patient and preoperative checks; b) Preparation of the workplace and equipment; Section 2 - Induction of Anaesthesia; a) Induction of general anaesthesia; b) Induction of regional anaesthesia; Section 3 - Maintenance of Anaesthesia and Monitoring; a) Maintenance and monitoring of the airway and the adequacy of ventilation; b) Maintenance and monitoring of the circulation; c) Maintenance and monitoring of the adequacy of anaesthesia; d) Maintenance and monitoring of the adequacy of muscle relaxation; e) Safety in the anaesthetic room and theatre; Section 4 - Emergencies; a) Airway; b) Breathing; c) Circulation; d) Drugs; e) Equipment; f) Fluids; Section 5 - Recovery and postoperative care; a) Equipping and staffing the recovery room; b) Monitoring the recovering patient; c) Diagnosis and management of early postoperative problems; d) Prevention and control of pain; e) Preparation for return to the ward; Section 6 - Anaesthesia for specialty surgery; a) Thoracic, cardiac, and vascular surgery; b) Head and neck surgery; c) Plastic surgery; d) Maxillofacial surgery; e) Dental surgery; f) Ear, nose, and throat surgery; g) Eye surgery; h) Neurosurgery; i) Assistance in maternity hospitals; j) Paediatric surgery;
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