For the new edition of this well known and established bench-mark text, Professor Teik Oh has selected two leading consultants to edit the contributions from expert contributors. The fifth edition is now titled Ohs Intensive Care Manual to reflect the significance of Professor Teik Ohs contribution to the great success of the first four editions.
1. Design & organisation of intensive care units and Outreach 2. Assessment of severity and outcome of critical illness 3. Transport of the critically ill 4. Physiotherapy in intensive care 5. Critical care nursing 6. Ethics in intensive care 7. Common problems after ICU 8. Clinical information systems
Part Two - Shock
9. Shock: an overview 10. Haemodynamic monitoring 11. Monitoring oxygenation 12. Lactic acidosis 13. Multiple organ dysfunction
Part Three - Acute Coronary Care
14. Acute myocardial infarction 15. Adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation 16. Management of cardiac arrhythmias 17. Cardiac pacing and implantable cardioverter 18. Acute heart failure 19. Valvular & congenital heart disease 20. Intensive care after cardiac surgery 21. Echocardiography in intensive care
40. Disorders of consciousness 41. Status epilepticus 42. Acute cerebrovascular complications 43. Cerebral protection 44. Brain death 45. Meningitis and encephalomyelitis 46. Tetanus 47. Neuromuscular diseases in intensive care
77. Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics & drug monitoring in critical illness 78. Management of acute poisoning 79. Sedation, analgesia and muscle relaxation in the intensive care unit 80. Inotropes & Vasopressors 81. Vasoldilators and antihypertensives
94. The critically ill child 95. Upper respiratory tract obstruction in children 96. Acute respiratory failure in children 97. Paediatric fluid & electrolyte therapy 98. Sedation & analgesia in children 99. Shock & cardiac disease in children 100. Neurological emergencies in children 101. Paediatric trauma 102. Equipment for paediatric intensive care 103. Paediatric Poisoning 104. Paediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation
1. Normal biochemical values 2. Systčme International (SI) Units 3. Respiratory physiology symbols and normal values 4. Physiological equations 5. Plasma drug concentrations and American nomenclature