Handbook of HIV 3e provides a concise guide to all aspects of HIV management in the context of sub-Saharan Africa. It covers a broad spectrum of topics from diagnostic and management approaches to the common manifestations of HIV in both adults and children. The handbook has been written in particular for reference in the hospital ward or clinic. It provides key information on HIV and on antiretroviral therapy. As the only handbook of HIV for southern Africa, the Handbook of HIV is an excellent resource for medical students, community service doctors, medical officers, nurses and allied health care workers. Written by HIV experts from across the country, the new edition includes the latest updates on HIV medicine and drug management, updated content on the approach to HIV infection in children, and a discussion of the ethical issues around HIV.
Part 1: General introduction to HIV medicine; Epidemiology; Virology; The immune system and HIV infection; Interactions between HIV and tuberculosis; Laboratory investigations; HIV transmission and natural history; Counselling; Sex and sexuality; Preventing HIV infection: individuals and populations; Part 2: Approach to HIV infection in children; Clinical assessment (paediatric); Childhood vaccination; Infant feeding; Breastfeeding in hospital; Nutrition; Diarrhoea; Paediatric tuberculosis; Sexual assault; Setting up an HIV/AIDS clinic for children; Part 3: Approach to HIV infection in adults; Clinical assessment (adult); Common emergencies; Evaluation of fever; Primary prophylaxis and immunization; Diet and nutrition; Adult tuberculosis; Sexually transmitted infections; Gynaecology; Contraception; Sexual assault; Part 4: Systemic approach to HIV infection; Cardiology; Haematology; Nephrology; Pulmonology; Intensive care management; Endocrinology and metabolic abnormalities; Neurology; Psychiatry; Ophthalmology; Gastroenterology and hepatology; Oral medicine; Dermatology; Oncology; Rheumatology; Part 5: Drug management; Antiretroviral drug classes; Adult antiretroviral therapy; Paediatric antiretroviral therapy; Prevention of mother-to-child-transmission of HIV; Antiretroviral drug resistance; Adherence; Drug-drug interactions; Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome; Principles of managing adverse drug reactions; Occupational post-exposure prophylaxis; Essential drugs for primary care facilities; Part 6: Drug management; Primary care approach; Integrating HIV and TB services; Palliative care; Womens health; Gay sex and sexuality; Ethical issues; Health care worker burnout; Micronutrient and complementary therapies;
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