The Manual of Childhood Infections gives detailed information on the causative organisms, epidemiology and clinical features of all important childhood infections likely to be encountered in the UK and abroad. This is followed by comprehensive guidance on the clinical management of these infections and on steps to be taken to control the infection and prevent future cases.
Prepared by a team of clinicians commissioned by the Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health, and with the endorsement of the Royal College, the Manual of Childhood Infectionswill give you all the information you need to diagnose, treat and manage every infection you are likely to encounter in children.
CONTENTS: Title Page Table of Contents List of Contributors Acknowledgements Foreword by J Eskola What is New in this Edition & Surveillance Notice Part One: General 1 Emerging and Re-emerging Infections 2 Antibiotic Resistance 3 Congenital Infections 4 Neonatal Infection 5 The Child with a Rash 6 The Child with a Pyrexia of Unknown Origin 7 The Child with an Enlarged Lymph Node 8 The Child with Septic Shock 9 The Child with Toxic Shock Syndrome 10 The Child with Bacterial Meningitis 11 The Child with Acute Encephalitis or Meningo-encephalitis 12 The Injured Child 13 The Child with an Implant Infection 14 The Child with a Bone and Joint Infection 15 The Child with an Upper Respiratory Tract Infection 16 The Child with a Lower Respiratory Tract Infection 17 The Child with a Cardiac Infection 18 The Child with Diarrhoea and Vomiting 19 The Child with Urinary Tract Infection 20 Management of Suspected Sexually Transmitted Infections in Prepubertal Children 21 The Child with Suspected Immune Deficiency 22 Management of the Immunocompromised Child With Infection 23 The Child with HIV Infection 24 Management of the Child with Systemic Fungal Infection 25 Immunisation of the Child with a Potentially Impaired Immune Response 26 Preparation for Travel Abroad 27 Management of the Child With an Infection Contracted Abroad 28 Refugees and Internationally Adopted Children 29 Zoonoses 30 Laboratory Diagnosis of Infection 31 The Use of Antibiotics and Antivirals 32 Infection Control in Hospital 33 Infection Control in the Community
Part Three: Appendicies I Mortality and Morbidity from Infectious Diseases in the UK II Neonatal Antibiotic Doses III Antimicrobials for the Infant and Child IV Notifiable Diseases V Exclusion Periods VI Immunisation against Infectious Diseases Further Reading and Websites Index
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