This is a practical handbook, whichwill provide an everyday reference for the inexperienced to provide artificial nutrition in a safe and effective manner. Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) is a means of providing nutrients to patients whom, for whatever reason, are unable to take food orallyThis book covers the whole range of factors involved in TPN, patient selection and suitability for TPN, contraindications to patients receiving TPN and the practicalities involved such as line selection. It examines the range of treatment options available that are alternatives to TPN. It is also a unique publication in that it considers the patients opinion, body image and lifestyle. Despite its broad coverage, the book is able to explain new techniques concisely, which will help readers professional development and increase their confidence in using these techniques.
What is Parenteral Nutrition? · The Multi-Disciplinary Team · Patient Assessment · Choosing the Appropriate Catheter for Patients Requiring Parenteral Nutrition · Preparing the Patient for Central Venous Catheter Insertion · The Insertion of a Central Venous Catheter for Parenteral Nutrition · Nursing Management · Dietetic Aspects of Parenteral Nutrition · Complications · Home Parenteral Nutrition · Living with Parenteral Nutrition: a Patients Perspective · Conclusion
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