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Blood Stem Cell Transplants

Blood Stem Cell Transplants

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Originally published in 1994, this readable and well-structured text opens with an overview of the concepts behind and advantages of blood stem cell transplants. Detailed concepts of their use are later expanded upon and critically reviewed by experts. Among the important issues discussed are hematopoietic recovery, tumor contamination and techniques used to purify stem cells. Clinical trial data follow including leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and breast cancer. The final chapter evaluates progress in the use of blood stem cells and points possible clinical directions. This is a detailed review of the techniques in blood stem cell transplants which will be of value to anyone with an interest in the area.
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152.00 x 229.00
Waga (g)
  • List of contributors; Preface; List of abbreviations; 1. Overview of blood stem cell transplants R. P. Gale, P. Henon and C. A. Juttner; Part I. Concepts:: 2. History of blood stem cell transplants M. Korbling and T. M. Fliedner; 3. Stem and progenitor cells in the blood C. J. Eaves and A. C. Eaves; 4. Isolating stem and progenitor cells W. Bensinger; 5. Growth factors and blood stem cells D. W. Maher, W. P. Sheridan and A. M. Gianni; 6. Mobilizing and collecting blood stem cells L. B. To; 7. Minimal residual disease and blood stem cell transplants J. G. Sharp and A. Kessinger; 8. Blood versus bone marrow transplants M. Korbling, C. Juttner, P. Henon and A. Kessinger; Part II. Clinical Trials:: 9. Blood stem cell transplants in acute leukemia C. A. Juttner; 10. Blood stem cell transplants in chronic myelogenous leukemia C. Hoyle and J. M. Goldman; 11. Blood stem cell transplants in lymphomas A. Kessinger and J. O. Armitage; 12. Blood stem cell transplants in breast cancer K. H. Antman; 13. Blood stem cell transplants in myeloma B. Barlogie, J. -P. Fermand, P. Henon, J. Reiffers and S. Jagannath; Part III. Summary:: 14. Blood stem cell transplants:: current state; future directions C. A. Juttner, P. Henon and R. P. Gale; Index.
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