Platelet transfusion has evolved through the collaboration of the transfusion service, manufacturer, and the clinician. The major goal for this book is to bring together leading international experts in the field of platelet therapy to provide information on current status and future trends. This multi-author book compiles a wealth of information regarding platelet concentrate production, platelet storage lesion, quality monitoring, bacterial and infectious pathogens contamination and de-contamination, as well as platelet transfusion and alternatives to platelets, platelet immunology and transfusion reactions.
Overall this book is viewed as depicting the state of the art for the spectrum of various activities in the field of platelet therapy and research and development. Laboratory, methodological, and clinical aspects are discussed in a simple and practical fashion. Accordingly, this book is of equal interest to laboratory technologists, research and development scientists, and clinicians in various aspects of hemostatic therapy involving platelets and its alternatives. It also appeals to those who wish only an update on new information regarding the field of platelet therapy.
1. An Overview of Collection, Processing, Storage and Quality Monitoring of Platelets (S. Holme, J. Seghatchian). 2. New Perspective in Manufacturing of Platelets from Whole Blood and Apheresis (R.N.I. Pietersz, J. Seghatchian). 3. Platelet Storage Media (H. Gulliksson, C.F. Högman). 4. The Effects of Metabolic Additives on Platelet Storage (J.D. Sweeney, A. Arduini). 5. Cold Stored Platelets (J.G. Vostal, T.H. Mondoro). 6. Frozen Platelets (C.R. Valeri, G. Ragno, L.E. Pivacek). 7. Lyophilized Platelets for Transfusion (A.P. Bode, M.S. Read). 8. Preservation of Platelet Function after Cardiac Surgery and Apheresis (C.H. Rinder, H.M. Rinder).
II. Platelet Storage Lesion and Quality Monitoring.
9. Biocompatibility Assessment of Filter Materials (S. Kora et al.). 10. Cytoskelal Changes during Platelet Storage (D.M. Gilligan). 11. Biological Response Modifiers in Platelet Transfusion Therapy (P.L. Perrotta, D. Feldman, E.L. Snyder). 12. Microvesicles in Platelet Concentrates (P. Krailadsiri, J. Seghatchian). 13. Platelet and Residual Leukocyte Counting in Platelet Components (L.J. Dumont, G. Moroff). 14. Practical Aspects of Platelet Storage Lesion and Quality (J. Seghatchian, P. Krailadsiri).
III. Alternatives to Platelets.
15. Thrombopoietin and Ex Vivo Expansion of Megakaryocytes (S. van den Oudenrijn et al.). 16. Alternatives to Platelet Transfusion (G. Gerotziafas, M.M. Samama).
IV. Safety/Efficacy and Immunomodulatory Aspects.
17. Alternative Strategies in Platelet Therapy (L.T. Goodnough). 18. Bacterial Contamination of Platelets (M. Goldman, M.A. Blajchman). 19. Ultraviolet and Gamma-Irradiated Platelets: In Vitro and In Vivo Response (D. Norfolk). 20. Inactivation of Infectious Pathogens and Leukocytes in Platelet Concentrates (L. Corash). 21. Trigger Factors for Prophylactic Platelet Transfusions (M. Murphy). 22. Strategies to Provide Effective Platelets to Patients Refractory to Random Donor Platelet Support (P. Rebulla). 23. Immunomodulatory Aspects (A. Brand). 24. Consensus Conference on Platelet Transfusion: Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (M. Contreras).
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