The 25th edition of this fundamental resource helps health care professionals gain a complete understanding of all of the ins and outs of Medicares RBRVS payment system and how to calculate payment schedules conveniently and accurately. AMAs Medicare RBRVS:: The Physicians Guide 2016 is a must-have for health care professionals everywhere. This concise, authoritative text provides detailed background information, and explains all features of the physician payment system as well as important 2016 updates. This invaluable reference answers your questions and gives you everything you need to successfully navigate the RBRVS system to effectively calculate and process payments for your practice. In addition, the guide contains detailed discussions regarding the use of RBRVS by Medicare and the private sector and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services adoption of the Physician Practice Information Survey Data and other Practice Expense Methodology changes. Other important areas covered in Medicare RBRVS:: The Physicians Guide 2016 :: Complete details on the RBRVS system, including an in-depth explanation on the key components and operation of the payment system, geographic adjustments, conversion factors and limits on physician charges. The latest information on new payment rules that take effect in 2016 and how they affect your practice Payment rules and relative values for 2016 CPT® codes Updated payment policies, payment calculations and information on appropriate use of modifiers An in-depth explanation on the key components and operation of the payment system, geographic adjustments, conversion factors, and limits on physician charges Easy-to-use tables and other tools necessary to calculate the Medicare payment schedule, including 2016 relative value units (RVUs) and payment policy indicators for each physicians service and geographic practice cost indexes (GPCIs) for each Medicare payment locality