Health needs assessment is the term used to describe looking at the needs of a defined population and identifying factors which characterise it and have an impact on health. Until recently this was the job of public health officials, but increasingly primary care and hospital teams are responsible for carrying out health needs assessment for their local or practice population. The current book brings together in one place information on this important topic which otherwise can only be found from a variety of different sources. This new edition will build on its success and broaden its appeal. It will completely update and revise information reflecting the major changes which have occurred in NHS policy over successive governments.
1 Introduction to health needs assessment 2 Who assesses health needs? 3 Key perspectives on the assessment of health needs 4 Defining and measuring health 5 Health needs assessment: the approach of central government 6 Inequalities in health and health care 7 Epidemiological approaches to health needs assessment 8 Economics, utilitarianism and health needs assessment 9 The consumer and needs assessment 10 Screening health needs assessment and the evaluation of services 11 A framework for local health needs assessment 12 Local health needs assessment: reports of the Director of Public Health 13 Health profiling by nurses 14 Conclusions and implications for nurses
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