An in-depth book that covers all the important topics that relate to health promotion and health education, a field of growing importance to nursing. It includes applications to all four branches of nursing and also to midwifery. It is research-based and full of reliable information which will help nurses and midwives cope successfully with their widening health promotion role.
SECTION 1 an INDIVIDUAL and COMMUNITY FOCUS for HEALTH PROMOTION: What Is Health Promotion?. Why Health Promotion?. Health Promotion Now: The Development of Policy. Health Promotion: Models and Approaches. Values and Ethical Issues. SECTION 2 PRACTISING HEALTH PROMOTION: Information and Health Promotion. Communication in Health Promotion. Groups and Teams. Education for Health. A Life-Cycle Approach to Health Promotion. SECTION 3 BROADENING the VISION for HEALTH PROMOTION: Settings for Health Promotion. Inequalities in Health and Health Promotion. Health and the Environment. Towards an Integrated Model of Health Promotion in Nursing Practice. SECTION 4 FURTHER ACTIVITIES: Organising Information and Exploring Ideas.
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