This is the loose-leaf version of Fitness and Well-Being for Life, Second Edition, which offers students a less expensive, printed version of the text.
Fitness and Well-Being for Life, Second Edition With HKPropel Access, provides a personal and interactive tool for college students to learn how to lead and sustain lives that are healthier, happier, and more productive. Evidence-based physical and mental health guidance is presented in an accessible writing style and organized in a logical progression, resulting in a text easily relatable to and understood by college students.
With an emphasis on behavior modification to develop long-term health habits, challenges specific to college students are addressed, including stress management, substance abuse and addiction, sexual health, weight management, cardiovascular exercise, strength training, functional fitness training, and nutrition.
Students will be equipped with the understanding and tools to make lifestyle changes that matter. Related learning aids, delivered through HKPropel, include 48 video clips demonstrating proper movement technique. A fitness testing video, new to this edition, helps students visually see and understand how to conduct personal fitness tests. Also new to this edition are video demonstrations of two sample workouts, one with total body movements that target small and weak muscle groups and one with upper-body exercises using resistance bands. These sample workouts serve as examples for students to learn how to structure their own workouts. Practical learning activities, assignable by instructors in HKPropel, provide real-life context and personal application of the material, focusing on completing individual assessments, goal setting, and identifying the pros and cons of modifying their behavior. Comprehension of the content is gauged through automatically graded chapter quizzes assigned and tracked by instructors within HKPropel.
Within the book, pedagogical aids and practical tips promote understanding and application to daily life, including Immunity Booster tips with practical advice for staying healthy, Behavior Check sidebars to help students integrate concepts, and Now and Later sidebars that encourage students to consider how actions today will affect their future. A Functional Fitness Training insert provides movements to strengthen key muscles and explains their relevance to common activities, while infographics, tables, and figures throughout illustrate and reinforce key concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.
Fitness and Well-Being for Life, Second Edition With HKPropel Access, helps students learn how to make healthy choices and enact positive behavior changes to lead healthier and happier lives both now and in the future.
Note:: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
Chapter 1. Staying Healthy and Well Throughout Life Staying Healthy Through the Life Span New Perspectives on Well-Being Classic Components of Wellness The Functional Movement and Well-Being Connection Summary
Chapter 2. Functional Movement Choices Understanding Physical Activity Recommendations Integrating Physical Activity, Exercise, and Sedentarism Fitting Movement Into Everyday Life Safety First: Getting Started With a Personal Movement Program Summary
Chapter 3. Personalizing Healthy Behavior Change Are You Ready to Change? Behavioral Theories Grounded in Social Psychology Personalizing the Behavior Change Process Goal Setting Revisited Summary
Chapter 4. Cardiorespiratory Fitness Your Energy Needs: Supply and Demand Cardiorespiratory Fitness Benefits Your Daily Life Assessing Your Cardiorespiratory Fitness Designing Your Plan to Improve Cardiorespiratory Fitness Safety First: Getting Started With Cardiorespiratory Fitness Summary
Chapter 5. Muscular Fitness Your Body Was Designed to Move Key Definitions Muscular Fitness Benefits Your Daily Life Assessing Your Muscular Fitness Designing Your Plan to Improve Muscular Fitness Analyzing Your Fitness Choices Safety First: Getting Started With Resistance Training Summary
Chapter 6. Flexibility, Neuromotor Fitness, and Posture All About Flexibility Mind the Stretch Reflex! Neuromuscular and Functional Fitness Preventing Low Back Pain Summary
Functional Fitness Training Lower Leg (Calves) Front of Upper Leg (Quads) Back of Upper Leg and Rear Hip (Hams and Glutes) Trunk and Abdomen (Abs) Lower Back Outer Thigh and Upper Hip (Hip Abductors) Inner Thigh (Hip Adductors) Chest and Front of Shoulder Upper Back and Shoulders Middle Back (Lats) Front of Upper Arm Back of Upper Arm
Chapter 7. Body Composition Body Composition Basics Assessing Body Composition Weight Status, Body Composition, and Your Risk of Chronic Disease A Healthy Body Composition Benefits You—Today and in the Future! Designing Your Plan to Improve Body Composition Summary
Chapter 8. Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Fueling Eating Well: Balanced and Clean The Many Benefits of a Healthy Diet Dietary Guidelines for Americans Food Safety Basics Summary
Chapter 9. Weight Management Weight Management: Our Greatest Modern Health Challenge Energy Balance Math Weight-Management Strategies Daily Movement Is Essential for Weight Management Psychological Concerns Regarding Weight Management When Professional Help Is Needed Summary
Chapter 10. Stress Management The Contemporary Stress Experience The Stress Response Common Stressors and Hassles of College Life Key Stress-Management Strategies Social, Stressed, and Sleepless Summary
Chapter 11. Remaining Free From Addiction Types of Addictions What Is Addiction? Psychoactive Drugs Alcohol Tobacco Summary
Chapter 12. Sexuality and Health Sexuality as a Dimension of Health Reproductive System Contraception and Birth Control Methods Sexually Transmitted Infections Reducing the Risks Sexual Assault COVID and Sexual Health Summary
Chapter 13. Reducing the Risks for Metabolic Syndrome Are You at Risk for Metabolic Syndrome? Evaluating Your Risk for Diabetes Mellitus Cardiovascular Disease: Our Number One Killer Prevention of CVD Starts Early in Life Summary
Chapter 14. Reducing the Risks for Cancer The Nature of Cancer Who Gets Cancer? Detection, Staging, and Treatment of Cancer Causes of Cancer Most Commonly Diagnosed Cancers Summary
Chapter 15. Fitness and Well-Being: Today and Beyond Living Well Over the Life Span Differences Between Physiological and Chronological Age Behavioral Systems Approach to Healthy Living Approaches to Medicine Finding Resources to Enhance Your Fitness and Well-Being Specific Wellness Concepts and SMART Goals Revisited Healthy People 2030 and Beyond Fitness and Well-Being: A Way of Life
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