The second edition of this practical handbook covers the range of breast diseases and draws together recent data, particularly on breast cancer. Pathological aspects, classification, epidemiology and aetiology of the various diseases are briefly outlinedand some issues, such as screening, when to refer, management, follow-up and counselling are discussed in detail. Substantially revised to take into account recent developments in the subject this book will help medical and nursing staff answer with confidence the difficult questions patients often ask.
SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION: the Normal Breast and Congenital Abnormalities. Assessment and Investigation of Common Symptoms SECTION 2 NON-MALIGNANT BREAST DISEASE: Benign Breast Conditions. Breast Infection SECTION 3 BREAST CANCER: Risk Factors, Screening and Prevention. Pathology, Prognosis, Diagnosis and Treatment. Advanced Disease. Breast Reconstruction. Clinical Trials SECTION 4 PSYCHOLOGY and BREAST DISEASE: Psychological Factors in Patients with Breast Disease
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