This definitive reference is a comprehensive guide to gynaecologic surgery with a look toward the future. It involves all the latest procedures and current thinking, clinical strategies and accepted procedures in surgery, and is modern in its approach andcoverage. There are exhaustive opinions from authors who give new insight into techniques, problems, advantages, strategies and the latest developments in the field. Gynecologic Surgery illuminates surgical techniques in the uterus, pelvis, fallopian tubes, ovarian and adnexal surgery and the surgical instruments and techniques used in gynaecologic surgery.
SECTION 1 PREOPERATIVE CONSIDERATIONS: Optimization of the Patient for Surgery. Nutritional Support. Electro-Surgery: Biophysics, Safety and Efficacy. General Overviewof Lasers. General Overview of Laparoscopic Surgery. Laparoscopic Troubleshooting. Anesthetic Considerations. Clinical Anatomy of Incisions. Gynecologic Surgical Instruments. SECTION II DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES: Examination Under Anesthesia. Cystoscopy. Vaginoscopy. Dilation and Curettage and Hysteroscopy. Cervical Conization. Excisional Biopsy of the Vulva and Vagina. SECTION III VULVAR and VAGINAL SURGERY: Vulvar and Vaginal Anatomy/ Diagnosis and Surgery for Benign and Malignant Disease. Creation of the Neovagina. The Use of the Vaginal Pessary. Surgery of Pelvic Relaxation. Colpocleisis. SECTION IV UTERINE SURGERY: Congenital Anomalies of the Uterus. Uterine Anatomy. Vaginal, Abdominal and Laparoscopic Assisted Hysterectomy. Myomectomy. Peripartum Hysterectomy. Radical Hysterectomy. Schauta Procedure. Pelvic and Para-Aortic Lymphadenectomy. Exenterative Surgery of the Female Pelvis. Grafts and Flaps in Gynecologic Surgery. SECTION V TUBALand OVARIANOVARIAN SURGERY: Tubal and Ovarian Anatomy. Diagnosis and Surgery for Ectopic Pregnancy. Tubal Reconstructive Surgery. Tubal Sterilization Techniques. Diagnosis and Surgery for Benign Ovarian Disease. Diagnosis and Surgery for Malignant Ovarian Disease. SECTION VI URINARY TRACT SURGERY and REPAIR of FISTULAS: Diagnosis and Management of Urinary Incontinence. Management of Vesicovaginal, Urethrovaginal and Ureterovaginal Fistulas. Management of Rectovaginal Fistulas and the Disrupted Anal Sphincter. SECTION VII GYNECOLOGIC SURGICAL PROCEDURES: Pelvic Denervation and Uterine Suspension. Surgical Termination of Pregnancy. Diagnosis and Surgery of Benign and Malignant Diseases of the Breast. SECTION VIII NONMEDICAL CONSIDERATIONS: Quality Assessment: a Gynecologists Primer. Medicolegal Issues.
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