Essential Midwifery embodies the philosophy of the changes outlined in Changing Childbirth, emphasising the normality of the process of childbirth and stressing the provision of a client-centred approach. The emphasis throughout the book is on allowing women choice and control by providing them with information via sensitive communication. So-called abnormalities such as unusual presentations and common problems will be addressed, but as part of the normal process of pregnancy and childbirth. The content follows the time continuum of the womans shift from childhood, puberty and maturity to motherhood and the creation of a new family. Sociological and psychological issues and how these should be used to enhance practice are integrated throughout the book, not just added in as extra chapters. Biological and behavioural aspectsof the life changes will be explained, making complex abstract concepts clear. It will not only cover the theoretical aspects needed to be able to allow the client choice and control, but it will give practical advice on just how to achieve this. Where appropriate charts and diagrams will be used to provide information, for example common disorders and how to overcome or alleviate these. Essential Midwifery will provide the essential knowledge for all practising and student midwives to implement Changing Childbirth recommendations. The use of research based material, as applied to practice, will be incorporated throughout and will be a feature of this book. The books approach will be based on theory and applied to practice taking a well-woman, holistic approach to care before, during and immediately after pregnancy. Intrinsic in this approach is the inclusion of the baby, other siblings and the fathers of the children. Care about and care for a woman during childbirth will include care of the entire family.
UNIT 1 FROM ONE FAMILY TO ANOTHER · From girl to woman to mother · Sexual development and pre-conception health · Conception · Adaptation to pregnancy · Planning antenatal care · Assessing fetal and maternal well-being · Women with special needs · Loss during pregnancy · UNIT 2 FROM BIRTH TO HEALTH AFTER · The physiology and clinical management of labour · The control of labour pain · Psychosocial support during labour · Management of the newborn baby: midwifery and paediatric perspectives · Knowledge and skills involved in infant feeding · Health after birth · Adaptation to parenthood and the new family · UNIT 3 FACTORS INFLUENCING MIDWIFERY · Regulation of midwifery practice · Maternity policy and the midwife · Consulting consumers of the maternity services · Developing midwives for practice · Interpersonal skills · Women-centred care: the way forward
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