Conditions of the vulva are very common but often taboo, and can badly affect peoples sex life, comfort and self-confidence. Despite this, clinicians receive little training in these conditions. This comprehensive yet handy third edition has been fully updated with research giving new insights into vulval diseases, vulvo-vaginal pain and vaginitis. Full-colour clinical photographs and illustrations demonstrate the clinical appearance of a wide spectrum of conditions. Chapters are organised by clinical presentation for ease of reference and information is presented practically, covering misconceptions and common patient questions. Co-written by a dermatologist and a gynaecologist - both specializing in vulval conditions - the handbook provides a unique visual and written guide to the diagnosis, treatment and management of both acute and chronic vulval presentations and explores the latest opinions on causation and classification of neoplasia in the vulva.
Glossary; 1. The Basics; 2. Using Topical Steroids on the Vulva; 3. Red Vulval Rashes; 4. Things That Look White; 5. Things That Ulcerate, Blister And Erode; 6. Persistent Vaginitis; 7. Lumps - Benign And Malignant; 8. Vulval Pain and Dyspareunia; 9. Vulval Disease in Children; 10. Myths and Pearls; Index.
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