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Advancing Women's Health Through Medical Education: A Systems Approach in Family Planning and Abortion
Wybierz Paczkomat Inpost, Orlen Paczkę, DPD, Pocztę, email (dla ebooków). Kliknij po więcej
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Jeżeli jesteś konsumentem możesz zwrócić towar w ciągu 14 dni*. Kliknij po więcej szczegółów
Neither legalization of abortion nor scientific and political advances in contraception and abortion ensure that training and research in family planning are routinely integrated into medical education. Without integration, subsequent generations of healthcare professionals are not prepared to incorporate evidence-based family planning into their practices, teaching, or research. Omission of this crucial component prevents the cultural and professional normalization of an often stigmatized and embattled aspect of womens health. Taking the successful US-based Ryan and Family Planning Fellowship programs as templates for training, teaching, and academic leadership, this book describes the integration of family planning and pregnancy termination into curricula with an international outlook. With an evidence- and systems-based approach, the book is a unique and practical guide to inspire and train the next generation of healthcare professionals.
Szczegóły produktu
- Rok wydania
- 2021
- Numer wydania
- 1
- Oprawa
- twarda
- Liczba stron
- 382
- Wymiary (mm)
- 183.00 x 260.00
- Waga (g)
- 970
- Preface; Introduction; Section I:: Abortion Training:: Workforce, Leadership, Social and Political impact; 1. A Systems Approach to Medical Education; 2. Training in Contraception and Abortion to Reduce Maternal Mortality; 3. The History of Integrated Training in Abortion and Contraception for Obstetrician-Gynecologists in the USA; 4. The Medical Community, Abortion and the Crucial Role of Physician Advocacy; 5. The US Family Planning Fellowship as a Community of Practice; 6. Building Evidence through Research:: The Benefits of Integrating Research into Family Planning Training; 7. Impact of Integrated Family Planning Training:: Culture Change and Access to Care; 8. Conscientious Provision and Objection in Medical Training in the Context of the Abortion Controversy; Section II:: Integration of Abortion into Graduate Medical Education; 9. Abortion Training in the US:: Prevalence, Outcomes, and Challenges; 10. Starting and Optimizing an Academic Abortion Service; 11. The Role of Early Pregnancy Loss Care in Ensuring Competence in Uterine Evacuation; 12. Academic Family Planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health Collaborations:: Training and Advocacy with Community Partners; 13. Family Planning Training at Catholic and other Faith-Based Hospitals; 14. The Importance of Including Abortion in Undergraduate Medical Education; 15. Integrating Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Training into Family Medicine; 16. Integrating Training in Advanced-Practice Clinician Programs; Section III:: Family Planning Curricular Design and Implementation; 17. A Guide for Creating a Program in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Education; 18. Creating and Implementing a Curriculum for Reproductive and Sexual Health Training Programs; 19. Assessing Competence in Family Planning Skills through Milestones; 20. Educating and Mentoring Medical Students in Family Planning; 21. The Role of Students in Advocating for Training in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare; 22. The Role of Simulation in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Training; 23. The Benefits of and Strategies for Supporting Residents Partial Participation in Abortion Training; 24. Stigma and Abortion Care:: Implications for Training; 25. Emotional Support:: A Key Component of Training and Service Delivery in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare; Section IV:: Reproductive Health Services and Abortion Training:: Global Examples; 26. Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Workforce - National and Global Advances for Availability, Accessibility, and Quality; 27. Medical Education for Safe Abortion Services in Nepal; 28. Case Study of Abortion Training and Integration in Ghana; 29. Case Study on Pre-Service Integration of Abortion and Contraception Trainings in Ethiopia; 30. Global Perspectives of Legalization and Training:: A Case Study of Abortion Training and Integration into Clinical Practice in Colombia; 31. Medical Education in Sexual and Reproductive Health in Uruguay; 32. Abortion Training and Integration of Legal Services in Public Health Systems:: A Case Study in Mexico City; 33. Case Study of Abortion Training and Integration in Training Models in Sweden; 34. The History of Abortion Services and Training in United Kingdom; 35. Abortion Training and Integration in Ireland.
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