Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology (PAG) is a subspecialty that encompasses a broad spectrum of conditions affecting girls from birth up to adulthood. For younger children, vulval dermatological conditions are frequently seen, whilst the adolescent population will often present with menstrual dysfunction or pelvic pain, with a range of aetiologies. This book, aimed at trainees and consultants in the field and all healthcare professionals working in the multidisciplinary team providing care for girls with gynaecological conditions, offers practical, detailed advice on dealing with this spectrum:: including rarer conditions such as disorders of puberty, including precocious puberty, delayed puberty and primary amenorrhoea, differences in sex development and Mullerian duct anomalies. Written by international experts in the field, this book will inform and inspire generations of healthcare professionals working in PAG.
1. Embryological development of the internal and external female genitalia Arianna Mariotto and Anju Goyal; 2. Gynaecological history and examination in children and adolescents Hazel I. Learner and Sarah M. Creighton; 3. Normal and precocious puberty Jo Blair; 4. Common pre-pubertal problems in paediatric gynaecology Katerina Bambang; 5. Adolescent menstrual dysfunction Meenakshi K. Choudhary and Mugdha Kulkarni; 6. Polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescence Adam H. Balen; 7. Müllerian duct anomalies Cara E. Williams; 8. Primary amenorrhoea and delayed puberty Elizabeth Burt and Ephia Yasmin; 9. Rokitansky syndrome Gail Busby; 10. Turner syndrome Helen E. Turner and Matilde Calanchini; 11. Differences in sex development Naomi S. Crouch; 12. Premature ovarian insufficiency Lina Michala; 13. Gynaecological laparoscopy in adolescents Thomas R. Aust and Alfred Cutner; 14. Psychology in paediatric and adolescent gynaecology Julie Alderson and Samantha Cole; 15. Legal and ethical aspects of paediatric and adolescent gynaecology Parivakkam S. Arunakumari.
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