Tasks for Part 3 MRCOG Clinical Assessment is a key resource for the new Part 3 MRCOG examination. Containing over 75 clinical tasks mapped to the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology curriculum, this practical guide helps candidates apply core knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to the day-to-day clinical practice. Split into 20 chapters, this resource offers wide curriculum coverage based on the principles of good medical practice providing a thorough assessment of the readers knowledge. The number of tasks provided for different areas of study reflects the depth of knowledge and breadth needed for the exam so candidates can ensure a suitable amount of time is dedicated to key scenarios they may encounter. Each task provides detailed instructions to the candidate, role player and the examiner withdetailed explanations and further reading. Written by experts in the various fields, and edited by experienced examiners, Tasks for Part 3 MRCOG Clinical Assessment is essential reading for candidates preparing for the MRCOG Part 3 exam worldwide.
Communication skills and tips for Part 3 MRCOG Examination; Clinical skills; Teaching appraisal and assessment; Information technology, clinical governance and research; Ethics and legal issues; Core surgical skills; Post-operative care; Surgical procedures; Antenatal care; Maternal medicine; Management of labour; Management of delivery; Puerperal problems; Gynaecological problems; Subfertility; Sexual and reproductive health; Early pregnancy care; Gynaecological oncology; Urogynaecology and pelvic floor problems; Developing Professionalism;
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