This book will take the reader through obstetric ultrasound in a logical and progressive manner starting with simple scans to more detailed and complicated one that would be encountered as the sonographer/doctor gains experience. Each subsection has a scan and a black and white picture with accompanying information on measurement or abnormality. All topics are written in a step by step and active, (do this then do this) style.
How to learn obstetric scanning The machine and its controls The probes Log your cases Your training schedule Reporting your findings (general overview statements)
Early Pregnancy the viable pregnancy the non-viable pregnancy multiple pregnancy ectopic pregnancy hydatidiform mole nuchal fold thickness fetal abnormalities associated findings
The detailed anomaly scan the head the neck and spine the chest the abdominal wall and contents the limbs
The growth scan biparietal diameter and head circumference abdominal circumference femur length other measurements Doppler
The placenta and amniotic fluid placental appearance placenta praevia abruptio placenta oligohydramnios polyhydramnios