This is another addition to the Kumar & Clark family of information for medical students and doctors. The product is a pack containing a book and a CD-rom of the PDA version. It covers normal and abnormal labour, problems and diseases of gynaecology, and emergencies. It is an ideal revision book for students and a portable and convenient mini textbook - in PDA form - for medical students, house officers and trainees.
SECTION 1: HISTORY TAKING AND EXAMINATION 1. Gynaecology history taking. 2. Gynaecology examination. 3. Obstetric history taking. 4. Obstetric examination. SECTION 2: GYNAECOLOGY 5. The menstrual cycle, menstrual disorder, polycystic ovarian syndrome, infertility, ovarian failure, menopause. 6. Pelvic pain, endometriosis and minimal access surgery. 7. The benign conditions of the female genital tract, congenital abnormalities of female genital tract and malignant conditions of the female genital tract. 8. Anatomy of the pelvic floor, physiology of micturition, utero-vaginal prolapse and urinary incontinence. 9. Sexual Health, including family planning, psychosexual medicine and sexually transmitted diseases. 10. Bleeding in early pregnancy. SECTION 3: OBSTETRICS 11. Prepregnancy, counselling and prenatal diagnosis and antenatal care. 12. Physiology of pregnancy, minor disorders of pregnancy, hypertensive disorders, infections in pregnancy, and maternal systemic disorders. 13. Multiple pregnancy, breech and abnormal presentations. 14. Labour, operative obstetrics and obstetric analgesia and anaesthesia. 15. The Puerperium. 16. Neonatal medicine. SECTION 4 17. Emergencies and practical procedures. Appendices: Final examination questions Definitions and normal values
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