This book provides a broad review of the many aspects of pain associated with childbearing. Specialist midwifery contributors deal with a key issue in their field of expertise, enabling the reader to become more effective when working with women in childbirth. Key topics include:: the physiology of pain applied to childbirth, antenatal and postnatal pain, pharmacological and non-pharmacological views on pain relief, psychology of pain relief, fetal and neonatal pain, sociological and historical views. As a resource and broad guide to the management of pain in childbearing, this book is a valuable resource for both professional and student midwives.
Pain Relief: Past and Present · Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) · Physiology of Labour Pain · The Psychology of Pain in Normal · Labour · Socio-cultural Aspects of Pain · Relief of Pain and Discomfort in Labour - A Moral and Legal Perspective · Alternative Therapies for Pain Relief · Pharmacological Methods of Pain Relief · Post Natal Pain · Fetal Pain · Neonatal Pain and Its Management
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