Four papers of multiple choice questions followed by full explanatory answers. The style follows the DRCOG examination in using a stem plus five true/false questions. There is also an introduction giving general guidance on the DRCOG MCQ examination.
The DRCOG: regulations, exams and curriculum. Instructions for the MCQ paper in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for the DRCOG. General advice for taking MCQ examinations. 1. Paper A (Questions 1-60). 2. Paper A answers. 3. Paper B (Questions 1-60). 4. Paper B answers. 5. Paper C (Questions 1-60). 6. Paper C answers. 7. Paper D (Questions 1-60). 8. Paper D answers. Appendix A Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths 1994-1996 Summary. Appendix B Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Recommended Resources. Index.
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