A practical guide to all aspects of the management of labour within an obstetric unit. The author places the emphasis on normal deliveries and the text exploring the changed role of the midwife in the modern environment.
Piece by Emma Rutland, Acknowledgement, Preface, Contributors, Attitudes and conduct. Legal considerations. Maternal and Perinatal mortality. Delivery room. Admission to Labour ward. Admission emergencies. Normal labour. Intrapartum nutrition and electrolytes. Analgesia and anaesthesia. Intrapartum fetal surveillance. Episiotomy and tears. The Newborn. Preterm labour and preterm rupture of membranes. Abnormal labour. Induction and augmentation of labour. Assisted delivery and shoulder delivery. Caesarean section. Emergencies in the immediate puerperium. Malpresentation and malposition. Breech. Twins and multiple pregnancies. Medical complications: Haematological, respiratory, neurological, coagulation, Endocrine, Cardiac disease, Infection, Psychiatric. Fetal and maternal misadventure