Take a journey into the fascinating world of microRNA, the genomes master controllers. Discovered in 1993, our genomes master controllers are critical to the evolution of complex life, including humans. This captivating book tells their story, from their discovery and unique role in regulating protein levels to their practical applications in brain health and other branches of medicine. Written by a neuroscientist, it provides an in-depth look at what we know about microRNAs and how we came to know it. Explore the impact of these molecular conductors on your life and gain a new appreciation for the precision they bring to the molecular noise in our cells. Perfect for students of neuroscience, life sciences such as biochemistry and genetics and the curious public alike, this is the captivating tale of the conductors of lifes molecular orchestra.
Introduction A journey with microRNA; 1. Discovered! A new regulator of gene activity; 2. MicroRNAs emerge as master controllers; 3. Epic journey: From biogenesis to extinction; 4. Opening act: Fine-tuning during development; 5. MicroRNAs shape the machinery of our minds; 6. Centre of the electrical storm: MicroRNAs and epilepsy; 7. MicroRNAs become medicines; 8. Circulating microRNAs provide a diagnosis; 9. Finale and encore for microRNAs.
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