This book is for all those entering general surgical training. It explains the reasoning involved in recognizing and dealing with general surgical conditions and pays special attention to managing surgical emergencies and trauma patients. It is also intended to serve as a practical guide to safe and effective day-to-day surgical practice. The content is laid out logically so that a patient can be followed from a working diagnosis, through investigation and assessment, preparationfor surgery, care in the operating theatre and afterwards, including the prevention and treatment of complications. Throughout, factors are identified which affect surgical outcome and which are important in surgical audit and quality control. It is not meant as a textbook of diagnosis, or anatlas of operative surgery; however, it does cover the principles of both, as well as details of the common operations trainees are likely to have to perform. Each chapter concludes with a few key references to classic papers, books and review articles. Philip Deakin, a medical artist and GP, has illustrated the book throughout. Clive Quick and Paul Thomas are recent past members of the Court of Examiners for the Royal College of Surgeons of England and have planned the book to meet therequirements of the new syllabus for the higher general surgical qualification. Their team of contributing authors is made up of senior trainees and recently appointed consultants who provide a clear and focused perspective, reflecting their recent experience of the training process.
Introduction; Consent in surgical practice; Medical negligence; Classification of surgical procedures; Coding of diseases and operative procedures; Screening for surgical disease; Setting the standards of surgical practice; Maintaining and improving the standards of surgical practice; Principles of anaesthesia and intraoperative monitoring; Minimising perioperative risk; Managing comorbid medical conditions in surgical patients; Surgical infection; Nutrition and nutritional support in surgical practice; Surgical aspects of haematology; Management of acute pain; Critical care of the surgical patient; Soft tissue surgery and wound management; Recovery from surgery; Minimal access surgery; Organ transplantation; Principles of management of malignant disease; Trauma; Abdominal surgical emergencies; Elective upper gastrointestinal surgery; Colorectal surgery; Perianal surgery; Venous and lymphatic disorders; Arterial surgery and lower limb amputations; Thyroid, parathyroid and salivary glands; Breast surgery; External hernias;
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