This book addresses the behavioural issues and problems which face generalpractitioners in their everyday working life. It includes topics like Consultation Time, Psychological Distress, Communication, Ethics and Innovation. As they are recurring and importantthemes in general practice, they also recur as topics and questions in the Royal College of General Practitioners membership examination.
In each chapter the author presents problems and asks questions which arise in clinical practice, and then reviews the literature that is available, but sometimes not easily accessible, to busy practitioners. Theories and evidence are weighed up, and readers are challenged to join in the process of critical enquiry and debate. The last three chapters describe how to appraise scientific papers and evaluate different sorts of evidence in a critical, constructive and practicalway.
Introduction. Time for the Consultation. Making Sense of Minor Illness. Patients Ideas. Psychological Distress in General Practice. Communication During the Consultation. Screening for Carcinoma of the Cervix. Medical Ethics. The Economic Aspects of General Practice. Making Sense of Workload Studies. Diffusion of Innovation. Changing the Skill Mix in the Primary Care Team. Critical Appraisal. A Critical Appraisal of the Literature on Tiredness. How Do You Know? The Process of Scientific Reasoning.
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