The second edition of this short clinical medicine textbook which covers all significant aspects of the clinical curriculum. It is ideal for medical students as an introductory text and also for a wide-variety of non-medical students who require a conciseaccount of clinical medicine. Key facts are presented in a user-friendly format featuring tables, lists and two colour line illustrations. (Also available in International Edition)
Diseases of the Heart and Circulation. Respiratory Medicine. Intensive Care. Neurology. Endocrinology. Diabetes. Nephrology. Water, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance. Gastroenterology. Nutrition and Obesity. Haematology. Rheumatology. Connection Tissue Diseases and Immunology. Dermatology. Infectious Disease and HIV. Genitourinary Medicine. Adverse Drug Reactions and Acute Poisoning. Inborn Errorsof Metabolism. Genetics and Molecular Medicine. Care of the Elderly. Psychiatry and Medicine. Tropical Medicine. Index
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