Bringing together an internationally respected team of experts, the second edition of Fundamentals of Health Psychology continues to offer a comprehensive introduction to the key topics and approaches in the fast-growing field of health psychology. Building on the basics, this contributed volume introduces students to general areas of health psychology - such as body systems, health-care systems, stress, and illness prevention - before moving on to examine healthconditions, issues affecting special populations, and cross-cultural concerns. The second edition features two new chapters; one on eating, smoking, and recreational substance use; and the other on chronic health problems, and the latest research in the field, including new material on topics such as sleep, end-of-lifecare, and the influence of technology and social media on health. Compelling and thought-provoking, Fundamentals of Health Psychology offers students the foundation they need to engage critically with the most pressing issues in health psychology today.
Part I: Fundamentals of Health Psychology; 1. Introduction to Health Psychology; Learning Objectives; What is Health Psychology?; A Brief History of Health Psychology; Careers in Health Psychology; Major Theories and Models in Health Psychology; - The Biopsychosocial Model; - Health Belief Model; - Social Cognitive Theory; - Theory of Planned Behaviour; - The Common-Sense Model of Self-Regulation/Illness Representation; - Cognitive Behavioural Perspective; - The Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; 2. An Introduction to Body Systems and Psychological Influences on Health; Learning Objectives; Body Systems; - Introduction; - The Cardiovascular System; - The Gastrointestinal System; - The Respiratory System; - The Renal System/Urinary System; - The Immune System; Psychological Influences on Body Systems; - The Peripheral Nervous System; - The Autonomic Nervous System; - The Endocrine System; The Development of the Stress Concept; Emotion; Psychological Factors in the Development of Medical Illnesses; - Gastrointestinal Ulcers: Executive Monkeys and Helpless Rats; - Vasovagal Reactions: A Brief but Dramatic Response; - High Blood Pressure; - Other Diseases; Psychoneuroimmunology; - Development of the Field; - Stress, Immune Function, and Illness; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; 3. Stress, Coping, and Health; Learning Objectives; Introduction; - Good vs. Bad Stress; - Acute vs. Chronic Stress; Stressful Situations; - Job and Primary Role Stress; - Life Events; - Caregiver Stress; - Sociological Stress: SES, Gender, and Race; Contributors to Stress: The Person; Contributors to Stress: The Interaction of Person and Situation; Appraisal; Coping; - Problem- vs. Emotion-Focused Coping; - Social Support; - The Great Gender Divide; - Other Coping Strategies; Stress and Mental Health; - Stress and Sleep; - Stress Management; - Social Networking, Stress, and Online Social Support; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; 4. Health Psychology within the Health-Care System; Learning Objectives; Introduction; Health Systems in the United States, Canada, and Elsewhere; Impact of Health Systems on Health Psychology; Types of Health Services; Patterns of Health-Care Use; Medical Service Misuse; - Overuse; - Delayed Health Care; Adherence to Medical Care; - Definition and Measurement; - Rates and Predictors of Adherence; - Improving Adherence; Patient Satisfaction; Medical Cost Offset of Psychological Interventions; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; 5. Prevention of Illness and Health-Promotion Intervention; Learning Objectives; Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle; Core Constructs of the Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change; - Stages of Change; - Processes of Change; - Decisional Balance; Critical Assumptions of TTM; Empirical Support; - Stage Distribution; - Pros and Cons across 12 Behaviours; - Processes of Change across Behaviours; - Relationship between Stages and Process of Change; Applied Studies; Challenging Studies; Increasing Impacts with Multiple Behaviour Change Programs; Applying TTM Interventions to Exercise, Nutrition, and Smoking; Limitations of the Model; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; 6. Eating, Smoking, and Recreational Substance Use; Learning Objectives; Introduction; Eating Behaviour; - Obesity; - Dieting; - Eating Disorders; - Risk Factors; Substance-Use Behaviours; - Alcohol; - Tobacco and Nicotine; - Other Drugs; - Risk Factors; Assessment; - Eating; - Substance Use; Management; - Eating; - Substance Use; - Alcohol; - Smoking; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; 7. Health Anxiety and Other Psychological Responses to Bodily Symptoms; Learning Objectives; Introduction; Common-Sense Model of Illness Representation/Self-Regulation; - Dimensions of Illness Representations; - Relationship between Illness Representations and Coping Behaviour; - Illness Representations and Health Outcomes; - Determinants of Illness Representations; Health Anxiety; - Clinical Considerations; - Genetics; - Cognitive Behavioural Model of Health Anxiety; - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; Part II: Health Conditions; 8. Chronic Health Problems: Risk Factors, Prevention, Adjustment, and Management; Learning Objectives; Chronic Health Problems; - Impact of Chronic Health Conditions; Cross-Cutting Issues in Chronic Health Conditions: Prevention, Adherence, and Adjustment; - Prevention; - Adherence; - Adjustment; Prevention and Psychological Intervention for Chronic Health Problems; - Prevention and Promotion; - Psychologists on Social Media; - Self-Management; - Psychological Interventions; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; 9. The Psychology of Pain; Learning Objectives; Acute and Chronic Pain, Prevalence, and Medical Management; Understanding the Nature of Pain; Theories of Pain; - The Operant Model; - The Fear Avoidance Model of Pain; - The Communications Model of Pain; - Cognitive Behavioural Conceptualization of Pain; Psychological Assessment of Pain; - Full History, Co-Morbidities, Coping Styles, and Overall Psychological Functioning; - Dimensions of the Pain Experience; Pain Behaviour: Its Antecedents, Consequences, and Other Situational/Environmental Determinants of the Pain Experience; Effects of Pain on Quality of Life; Psychological Treatments for Chronic Pain; Psychological Management of Acute Pain; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; 10. Cardiovascular Disease; Learning Objectives; Cause of Death: Heartbreak; Cardiovascular Disease Description, Prevalence, and Medical Management; - The Disease Process; - Prevalence and Cost of CVD; - Medical Management of CVD; Psychological Factors in Cardiovascular Disease; - Stress; - Social Isolation; - Psychological Disorders; - Personality; - Positive Psychology: Resilience and Coping; Psychological Assessment of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease; - Depression/Anxiety; - Social Support; - Personality Factors; Interventions for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease; - Pharmacotherapy (Medications); - Psychotherapy; - Psycho-Educational and Behavioural Interventions; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; 11. HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections; Learning Objectives; Sexually Transmitted Infections in the National and Global Context; - Overview of STIs in the United States and Canada; Psychosocial Risk and Protective Factors in HIV/STI Acquisition; - Knowledge, Motivation, and Skills; - Condom Use; - Number of Sexual Partners; - Communication; - Substance Use; - Personality Factors; - Health Disparities; - Stress in People from Ethnic Minority Populations; - Internet and Social Media; Psychology of Living with HIV/STIs; - Stressors; - Psychiatric Diagnoses; - Coping with HIV; - Medications and Adherence; - Assessment of HIV/STI Risk Behaviour and Medication Adherence; Evidence-Based Treatments and Other Interventions; - Theoretical Frameworks Used in Evidence-Based Interventions; - Methods of Delivering Interventions; - Interventions to Prevent HIV and STI Transmission; - Treatments and Interventions Involving People Living with HIV/STIs; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; 12. Cancer; Learning Objectives; Understanding Cancer; Types and Prevalence of Cancer; - Lung Cancer; - Prostate Cancer; - Breast Cancer; Medical Management Approaches; Cancer Risk Factors; Biopsychosocial Factors in Cancer Incidence and Progression; Cancer Prevention; Psychosocial Adjustment to Cancer; Psychological Assessment of the Cancer Patient; Psychological Interventions for Cancer Patients; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; Part III: Special Populations; 13. Pediatric Psychology; Learning Objectives; What Is Pediatric Psychology?; Coping with Chronic Medical Conditions; Adherence to Pediatric Treatment Regimens; Coping with Medical Procedures; Pediatric Chronic Pain; Pediatric Palliative Care; Common Parenting Challenges: Sleeping, Feeding, Toileting; Impact on Family; Technology Applications in Pediatric Psychology: e-Health and Social Media; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; 14. Health Geropsychology; Learning Objectives; Introduction; Working with Older Adults with Chronic Illnesses; - Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Care; - Advance Care Planning; - Family Caregiving and Chronic Illness; Chronic Pain; - Older Adults Who Live Independently in the Community; - Older Adults with Dementia Who Live in Long-Term Care Facilities; - Falls; Behavioural Interventions in Long-Term Care; - Behavioural Activation in Long-Term Care; End-of-Life Care; Reminiscence Therapy; - Treatments in the Community; - Treatments in Long-Term Care; - Treatments for Individuals Approaching the End of Life; Medically Assisted Death; Cognitive Rehabilitation; - Dementia; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; 15. Cross-Cultural Issues in Health Psychology; Learning Objectives; Introduction: The Importance of Cross-Cultural Issues in Health Psychology; What Is Diversity? Distinguishing among Race, Ethnicity, and Culture; - Hofstedes Value Dimensions of Culture; Cultural Factors and a Biopsychosocial Formulation of Health; - Health Beliefs Expressed Cross-Culturally; Health Disparities among Cultural Groups; - Significant Health Disparities in North America; - Determinants of Health Disparities; - Socio-Economic Status: A Critical Determinant of Health Disparity; - The Effect of Acculturation; Mental Health Issues and Health; - Cross-Cultural Presentation of Psychological Symptoms and Disorders; - Empirically Supported Therapies with Cultural Groups; - Cultural Competence; Future Directions; Summary; Critical Thought Questions; Recommended Reading; Glossary; References; Names Index; Subject Index;
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