The viva exam is part of the clinical section of Part 2 of the MRCP. It is an oral exam which is becoming increasingly important as an integral part of the MRCP exam. A candidate can fail the entire exam if he or she fails the viva. Candidates are extremely anxious about passing the viva and this book should be very popular as it is the only which addresses this part of the exam alone. The book should also be valuable to undergraduates who, in theory, also sit a viva part of the final MB.
SECTION 1 PREPARATION SECTION 2 VIVA QUESTION GROUPS Referrals: A. General Practitioners to Outpatients, B. Nonmedical Wards to a Medical Registrar. Topical Issues: A. Public Concern, B. Recent Publications, C. Specialists Concern, D. Colleges Concern. Emergency Medicine. Data Interpretation. Basic Sciences. Specialists Questions. Straightforward Factual Questions. Clinical Stories: A. Biblical, B. Detective (What Dunnit?), C. Ghost, D. Bedtime, E. Wild, F. Historical. Controversial Subjects. Old Chestnuts. Bees Under the Bonnet SECTION 3 80 VIVA EXPERIENCES SECTION 4 ANECDOTES and SUGGESTIONS Appendices. Index
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