Diagnostic Ultrasound of the Foot and Ankle is a valuable resource that examines the proper ultrasound technique when imaging the lower extremity. Editors John Tassone Jr and Stephen L. Barrett, along with a group of ultrasound specialists, delve beyond identifying pathology and provide readers with an analysis correlating how the information gained from a lower extremity ultrasound can be used in surgical planning. Additional images provided by world-class sonographer Brian Kincaid supply further clarification and illustration of ultrasound imaging.
Contributors vii Acknowledgment xi Foreword xiii Levon N. Nazarian Introduction 1 John Tassone, Jr. Stephen L. Barrett Section 1 Basics Chapter 1 Ultrasound Physics and Artifacts 5 John Tassone, Jr. Chapter 2 Normal Anatomy 17 John Tassone, Jr. Lance Wissman Melanie Violand Section 2 Pathology Chapter 3 Diagnostic Ultrasonography of Human Plantar Fascia 47 Stephen L. Barrett Chapter 4 Achilles Tendon:: Functional Anatomy and Novel Emerging Models of Imaging Classification 63 Otto Chan, Angelo Del Buono, Vincenzo Denaro, Nicola Maffulli Diagnostic Ultrasound of the Foot and Ankle Chapter 5 Ultrasound of the Peroneal Tendons 77 Donald R. Curtis Chapter 6 Sonographic Imaging of the Posterior Tibial, Flexor Digitorum Longus, and Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendons 89 Scott A. Schumacher Chapter 7 Sonography of Anterior Ankle and Dorsal Foot Pathology 119 Adam E. Fleischer, Daniel P. Evans Chapter 8 Ankle Ligaments 139 Albert V. Armstrong, Jr Chapter 9 Diagnostic Ultrasound in the Diagnosis and Management of Pathology in the Forefoot:: Part 1 151 John Tassone, Jr Chapter 10 Diagnostic Ultrasound in the Diagnosis and Management of Pathology in the Forefoot:: Part 2 161 Stephen L. Barrett Chapter 11 Sonographic Analysis of Soft Tissue Masses 169 Stephen L. Barrett Chapter 12 Diagnostic Ultrasound and Lower Extremity Peripheral Nerve Diagnosis and Treatment 177 Peter Bregman Chapter 13 Diagnostic Ultrasonography:: Posterior Tibial Tendinopathy 197 Ryan P. Shock Chapter 14 Using Real-Time Sonoelastography in Ultrasound Diagnostic Imaging of the Achilles Tendon and Heel Region 209 Silvana Giannini, Emanuele Romolo Faloni Section 3 Appendices and Atlas Appendix A Common Ultrasound Terminology 229 John Tassone, Jr Appendix B Proper Documentation 237 John Tassone, Jr Atlas of Ultrasound Pathology 241 Index 281
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