An invaluable source of reference for clinical medical students and house officers working on the wards. The book is designed to make the information as accessible as possible; it is pocket-sized and the contents are listed on the back cover and easily located using the coloured bands. The chapter on medical emergencies is printed in a different second colour (red). Contains colour photographs in the common signs and symptoms chapter.
The contents are organised by disease, each disorder being broken into relevant categories with simple definitions highlighted in colour, management presented in boxes and investigations clearly listed. The book is illustrated with easily located reference tables and line diagrams.
Introduction History and examination Common signs and symptoms Cardiovascular disease Respiratory disease Gastroenterology Hepatology Nephrology Neurology Endocrinology Haematology Rheumatology Infectious diseases Dermatology Psychiatry Oncology Intensive care medicine Medical investigations Pre and postoperative care Drug usage Medical emergencies Index
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