A self-assessment book of over 200 EMQ questions with full answers. The questions will cover medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics, psychiatry, trauma and orthopaedics, ears, nose and eyes, and medicolegal issues. The questions will be in the style of the PLAB exam with sets of five questions based around one theme, and with ten optional answers above. This book is the second volume in a two-part work, the first volume of which concentrates on the OSCE part of the PLAB exam.
Over 200 EMQs (Extended Matching Questions) with detailed answers, arranged in the following sections: 1. Medicine 2. Surgery 3. Obstetrics & Gynaecology 4. Paediatrics 5. Psychiatry 6. Trauma and Orthopaedics 7. Ears, Nose and Eyes 8. Medicolegal Issues
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