Common Liver Diseases and Transplantation provides a review of liver diseases and transplantation that is comprehensive enough to provide an intellectual basis for the data, yet simple enough to be read and assimilate into clinical practice rapidly. It is written with an intended flow and structure:: the early chapters are summaries on topics such as early and late liver disease, workup and diagnosis, and pre- and post-transplant problems. The chapters that follow are liver disease-specific and cover the liver diseases physicians will encounter in their patients. The in-depth chapters all provide disease-specific epidemiology and outcomes, as well as diagnostic tables and more detailed algorithms and management approaches.
With two decades worth of teaching liver disease both formally as well as in rounds and informal “chalk talks” with residents and fellows, the author presents a way to think about clinical liver problems with a simple algorithmic method. Common Liver Diseases and Transplantation will serve as a useful resource for gastroenterologists, fellows, medical students, internists, and internal medicine residents.