Access todays best guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of digestive disorders with the new edition of this best-selling reference! International experts provide evidence-based perspectives on all clinically relevant topics, explaining step by step how to apply the latest advances in practice. Succinct yet comprehensive discussions provide just the right amount of clinical detail. Plus, a consistent organisation and full-colour art program enable you to quickly and easily access the information you need. Offers more than 1,000 illustrations, photographs, and tables (400 in full-colour) that promote a visual grasp of the material.
1. Gastrointestinal Hormones and Neurotransmitters 2. Mucosal Immunology and Mechanisms of Gastrointestinal Inflammation 3. Cellular Growth and Neoplasia
20. Oral Disease & Oral-Cutaneous Manifestations of Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease 21. Diverticula of the Foregut and Midgut 22. Gastric Volvulus and Abdominal Hernias 23. Foreign Bodies and Bezoars 24. Caustic Injury to the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract 25. Abdominal Abscesses and Gastrointestinal Fistulas 26. Eosinophilic Disorders of the Gastro Tract 27. Protein-Losing Gastroenteropathy 28. Gastrointestinal Lymphomas 29. Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs) 30. Gastrointestinal Carcinoid Tumors and the Carcinoid Syndrome 31. Endocrine Tumours of the Pancreas and GI Tract 32. Gastrointestinal Consequences of Infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus 33. Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Complications of Solid Organ and Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation 34. Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Manifestations of Systemic Disease 35. Vascular Lesions of the Gastrointestinal Tract 36. Diseases of the Peritoneum, Mesentery, Omentum, and Diaphragm 37. Pregnancy-Related Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disorders 38. Radiation Injury to the Gastrointestinal Tract 39. Complications of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
40. Anatomy, Histology, Embryology & Developmental Anomalies of the Esophagus 41. Esophageal Motor & Sensory Function & Dysfunction 42. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorders 43. Esophageal Disorders Caused by Medications, Trauma and Infection 44. Tumors of the Esophagus
45. Anatomy, Histology, Embryology and Developmental Anomalies of the Stomach and Duodenum 46. Gastric Motor & Sensory Function & Dysfunction 47. Gastric Secretion and Mucosal Defense 48. Helicobacter pylori 49. Gastritis and Gastropathy 50. Peptic Ulcer Disease 51. Treatment of Peptic Ulcer Disease 52. Tumors of the Stomach
53. Anatomy, Histology, Embryology & Developmental Anomalies of the Pancreas 54. Pancreatic Physiology and Secretory Testing 55. Hereditary Pancreatitis and Disorders of the Pancreas in Childhood 56. Acute Pancreatitis 57. Chronic Pancreatitis 58. Tumors of the Pancreas
59. Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, Developmental Anomalies of the Biliary Tract 60. Biliary Tract Motor Function & Dysfunction 61. Bile Secretion and the Enterohepatic Circulation 62. Gallstone Disease 63. Treatment of Gallstone Disease 64. Acalculous Cholecystitis, Cholesterolosis, Adenomyomatosis, and Polyps of the Gallbladder 65. Sclerosing Cholangitis and Recurrent Pyogenic Cholangitis 66. Tumors of the Gallbladder, Bile Ducts, and Ampulla 67. Endoscopic and Radiologic Treatment of Biliary Disease
68. Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, & Developmental Anomalies of the Liver 69. Liver Physiology and Metabolic Function 70. Liver Chemistry and Function Tests 71. Hemochromatosis 72. Wilson Disease 73. Other Inherited Metabolic Disorders of the Liver 74. Hepatitis A 75. Hepatitis B and D 76. Hepatitis C 77. Hepatitis E 78. Other Hepatitis Viruses 79. Bacterial, Parasitic, and Fungal Infections of the Liver Including Liver Abscess 80. Vascular Diseases of the Liver 81. Alcoholic Liver Disease 82. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 83. Liver Disease Caused by Drugs 84. Liver Disease Caused by Anesthetics and Toxins and Herbal Preparations 85. Autoimmune Hepatitis 86. Primary Biliary Cirrhosis 87. Portal Hypertension and GI Bleeding 88. Ascites and Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis 89. Hepatic Encephalopathy, Hepatopulmonary Syndromes, Hepatorenal Syndrome, and Other Complications of Liver Disease 90. Acute Liver Failure 91. Hepatic Tumors and Cysts 92. Liver Transplantation
93. Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, & Developmental Anomalies of the Small and Large Intestine 94. Small Intestinal Motor and Sensory Function and Dysfunction 95. Colonic Intestinal Motor and Sensory Function and Dysfunction 96. Intestinal Absorption and Secretion of Electrolytes 97. Digestion & Absorption of Nutrients and Vitamins 98. Maldigestion and Malabsorption 99. Enteric Bacterial Flora and Bacterial Overgrowth 100. Short Bowel Syndrome 101. Celiac Sprue and Refractory Sprue 102. Tropical Malabsorption and Tropical Diarrhea 103. Whipples Disease 104. Infectious Enteritis and Proctocolitis, and Bacterial Food Poisoning 105. Pseudomembranous Colitis and Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea 106. Intestinal Protozoa 107. Intestinal Worms 108. Crohns Disease 109. Ulcerative Colitis 110. Ileostomy, Colostomy, and Pouches 111. Intestinal Ischemia 112. Isolated Ulcers of the Intestine 113. Appendicitis 114. Diverticular Disease of the Colon 115. Irritable Bowel Syndrome 116. Intestinal Obstruction 117. Acute and Chronic Pseudo-obstruction 118. Small Intestinal Neoplasms 119. Colonic Polyps and Polyposis Syndromes 120. Malignant Neoplasms of the Large Intestine 121. Other Diseases of the Colon 122. Diseases of the Anorectum
123. A Biopsychosocial Understanding of Gastrointestinal Illness and Disease 124. Palliative Medicine in Patients with Advanced Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disease 125. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in Gastrointestinal and Hepatic