In this issue of Primary Care:: Clinics in Office Practice, guest editors Drs. Amanda R. Kost and Karly Pippitt bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Adolescent Medicine. Top experts provide practical approaches to the evaluation, diagnosis, and management of common issues encountered in adolescents in primary care, including vaccination, parenting tips, cultural and generational issues, metabolic screening, LGBTQ health, and more.
Trauma-Informed Health Care Practice in the Adolescent Well Visit Positive Parenting Tips for Parents with Teens The Role of Ethnicity and Culture in Adolescent Health in Latine, Hispanic, and Spanish Populations School-Based Care for Youth with Disabilities: Essentials for Collaboration Between Physicians and Educators Adolescent Metabolic Screening Preparticipation Sports Physical Evaluation in Adolescents Harm Reduction and Substance Use in Adolescents Anxiety, Depressive, and Eating Disorders in Adolescents Healthy Sex: Contraception, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Media, Consent, and Confidentiality Healthcare for Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents Clinicians’ Primer on the Epidemiology of Adolescent Relationship Violence Practical Advice for Addressing Adolescent Relationship Violence During Clinical Encounters
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