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Murtagh General Practice, 8th Edition
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Sold worldwide and translated into 13 languages, John Murtaghs General Practice is widely recognised as the gold standard reference for general practice and primary health care. Its emphasis on the importance of clinical reasoning, early diagnosis and treatment makes this the essential reference for medical students, trainees and general practitioners.
Written by renowned general practitioners and educators, and with all content reviewed for currency by leading experts, the eighth edition provides fundamental knowledge and skills required for the challenging field of general practice.
Key features::
•Diagnostic strategy models for common presenting problems, including diagnostic triads
•Clinical frameworks, including management and treatment
•Evidence-based research, with all content reviewed for currency by leading experts
•Extensive coverage of mental health, health promotion, womens health, and paediatric and geriatric care
New to this edition::
•New chapters on obesity, mood disorders, breast disorders, and travellers health and tropical medicine
•Updated and new information on genetic disorders, chronic pain and infectious diseases, including acute respiratory distress syndrome with reference to coronaviruses and COVID-19
•Restructure of table of contents to allow for easier navigation
About the authors
John Murtagh is Emeritus Professor in General Practice at Monash University; Professional Fellow of General Practice at the University of Melbourne; and Adjunct Clinical Professor in the Graduate School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame.
Jill Rosenblatt is a general practitioner and was Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the School of Primary Health Care at Monash University. She received a Distinguished Service Award of the RACGP in 2014. Jill has a wealth of rural and urban medical experience.
Justin Coleman is a general practitioner in the Tiwi Islands and was Senior Lecturer at Flinders University. Hes on the Editorial Advisory Board of Diabetes Management Journal, a member of Choosing Wisely Australia (NPS) and a prolific writer for a number of publications.
Clare Murtagh is a general practitioner in Sydney. She holds postgraduate qualifications in Dermatology, Medical Education, and Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Written by renowned general practitioners and educators, and with all content reviewed for currency by leading experts, the eighth edition provides fundamental knowledge and skills required for the challenging field of general practice.
Key features::
•Diagnostic strategy models for common presenting problems, including diagnostic triads
•Clinical frameworks, including management and treatment
•Evidence-based research, with all content reviewed for currency by leading experts
•Extensive coverage of mental health, health promotion, womens health, and paediatric and geriatric care
New to this edition::
•New chapters on obesity, mood disorders, breast disorders, and travellers health and tropical medicine
•Updated and new information on genetic disorders, chronic pain and infectious diseases, including acute respiratory distress syndrome with reference to coronaviruses and COVID-19
•Restructure of table of contents to allow for easier navigation
About the authors
John Murtagh is Emeritus Professor in General Practice at Monash University; Professional Fellow of General Practice at the University of Melbourne; and Adjunct Clinical Professor in the Graduate School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame.
Jill Rosenblatt is a general practitioner and was Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the School of Primary Health Care at Monash University. She received a Distinguished Service Award of the RACGP in 2014. Jill has a wealth of rural and urban medical experience.
Justin Coleman is a general practitioner in the Tiwi Islands and was Senior Lecturer at Flinders University. Hes on the Editorial Advisory Board of Diabetes Management Journal, a member of Choosing Wisely Australia (NPS) and a prolific writer for a number of publications.
Clare Murtagh is a general practitioner in Sydney. She holds postgraduate qualifications in Dermatology, Medical Education, and Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Szczegóły produktu
- Rok wydania
- 2021
- Numer wydania
- 8
- Oprawa
- twarda
- Wymiary (mm)
- 200 x 255
- Waga (g)
- 2995
- Part1 The basis of general practice
Ch1 The nature, scope and content of general practice
Ch2 Consulting skills
Ch3 Communication skills
Ch4 Counselling skills
Ch5 Health promotion and patient education
Ch6 Prevention in general practice
Ch7 Research and evidence-based medicine
Ch8 Inspection as a clinical skill
Part2 Diagnostic perspective in general practice
Ch9 A safe diagnostic strategy
Ch10 Depression
Ch11 Diabetes mellitus
Ch12 Drug and alcohol problems
Ch13 Anaemia
Ch14 Endocrine and metabolic disorders
Ch15 Spinal dysfunction
Ch16 Urinary tract infection
Ch17 Malignant disease
Ch18 Baffling viral and protozoal infections
Ch19 Baffling bacterial infections
Ch20 Infections of the central nervous system
Ch21 Connective tissue disease and the systemic vasculitides
Ch22 Neurological dilemmas
Ch23 Genetic conditions
Part3 Presenting symptoms and problem solving in general practice
Ch24 Abdominal pain
Ch25 Arthritis
Ch26 Anorectal disorders
Ch27 Thoracic back pain
Ch28 Low back pain
Ch29 Bruising and bleeding
Ch30 Chest pain
Ch31 Constipation
Ch32 Cough
Ch33 Deafness and hearing loss
Ch34 Diarrhoea
Ch35 Dizziness/vertigo
Ch36 Dyspepsia (indigestion)
Ch37 Dysphagia
Ch38 Dyspnoea
Ch39 The painful ear
Ch40 The red and tender eye
Ch41 Pain in the face
Ch42 Fever and chills
Ch43 Faints, fits and funny turns
Ch44 Haematemesis and melaena
Ch45 Headache
Ch46 Hoarseness
Ch47 Jaundice
Ch48 Nasal disorders
Ch49 Nausea and vomiting
Ch50 Neck lumps
Ch51 Neck pain
Ch52 Shoulder pain
Ch53 Pain in the arm and hand
Ch54 Hip, buttock and groin pain
Ch55 Pain in the leg
Ch56 The painful knee
Ch57 Pain in the foot and ankle
Ch58 Walking difficulty and leg swelling
Ch59 Palpitations
Ch60 Sleep disorders
Ch61 Sore mouth and tongue
Ch62 Sore throat
Ch63 Tiredness/fatigue
Ch64 The unconscious patient
Ch65 Urinary disorders
Ch66 Visual failure
Ch67 Weight change
Part4 Mental health
Ch68 Depression and other mood disorders
Ch69 The disturbed patient
Ch70 Anxiety disorders
Ch71 Difficult behaviours
Part5: Chronic disease management
Ch72 Allergic disorders including hay fever
Ch73 Asthma
Ch74 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Ch75 Cardiovascular disease
Ch76 Chronic heart failure
Ch77 Hypertension
Ch78 Dyslipidaemia
Ch79 Chronic kidney failure
Ch80 Obesity
Ch81 Osteoporosis
Ch82 Chronic pain
Part6 Child and adolescent health
Ch83 An approach to the child
Ch84 Specific problems of children
Ch85 Surgical problems in children
Ch86 Common childhood infectious diseases (including skin eruptions)
Ch87 Behavioural and developmental issues and disorders in children
Ch88 Child abuse
Ch89 Emergencies in children
Ch90 Adolescent health
Part7 Womens health
Ch91 Cervical cancer screening
Ch92 Family planning
Ch93 Breast disorders
Ch94 Abnormal uterine bleeding
Ch95 Lower abdominal and pelvic pain in women
Ch96 Premenstrual syndrome
Ch97 The menopause
Ch98 Vaginal discharge
Ch99 Vulvar disorders
Ch100 Basic antenatal care
Ch101 Postnatal care
Part8 Mens health
Ch102 Mens health: an overview
Ch103 Scrotal pain
Ch104 Inguinoscrotal lumps
Ch105 Disorders of the penis
Ch106 Disorders of the prostate
Part9 Sexual health
Ch107 The subfertile couple
Ch108 Sexual health
Ch109 Sexually transmitted infections
Ch110 Intimate partner violence and sexual assault
Part10 Problems of the skin
Ch111 A diagnostic and management approach to skin problems
Ch112 Pruritus
Ch113 Common skin problems
Ch114 Acute skin eruptions
Ch115 Skin ulcers
Ch116 Common lumps and bumps
Ch117 Pigmented skin lesions
Ch118 Hair disorders
Ch119 Nail disorders
Part11 Accident and emergency medicine
Ch120 Emergency care
Ch121 Stroke and transient ischaemic attacks
Ch122 Thrombosis and thromboembolism
Ch123 Common skin wounds and foreign bodies
Ch124 Common fractures and dislocations
Part12 Health of specific groups 1467
Ch125 The elderly patient
Ch126 End of life/palliative care
Ch127 The health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Ch128 Refugee health
Ch129 Travellers health and tropical medicine
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