Heres a practical resource designed to help practitioners select appropriate radiologic tests for a full range of common disorders. From simple x-rays to sophisticated imaging studies, this clinical reference examines virtually every procedure in use today. Its organized by anatomic system, with a focus on symptoms and suspected clinical problems, to make reference simple. This valuable tool helps readers order even the most expensive and complex radiologic studies with confidence.
HEAD AND NECK *Skull And Brain *Imaging The Facial Region *Imaging The Soft Tissues Of The Neck
CHEST IMAGING *Technical Considerations And The Normal Chest X-Ray *Silhouette Sign *Tubes And Wires *Portable Chest X-Rays In The Intensive Care Unit *Admission, Pre-Operative And Prenatal Chest X-Rays *Chest X-Ray Examinations In Occupational Medicine *Traumaobstructive Pulmonay Disease *Air Space Pathology *Pleural Pathology *Mediastinal Lesions *Diaphragm
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM *Heart *Aorta *Peripheral Vessels
ABDOMINAL IMAGING *Anatomy And Imaging Techniques *Esophagus *Stomach And Doudenum *Liver *Gallbladder And Billiary System *Pancreas *Spleen *Small Bowel *Colon
GENINTOURINARY SYSTEM *Kidney *Bladder *Female Pelvis *Adrenal Glands And Retroperitoneum
SKELETAL SYSTEM *Spine *Imaging Approach To Joint Pain *Benign Vs. Malignant Bone Lesions *Infection Of Bones And Joints *Shoulders And Humerus *Elbow *Forearm *Hand And Wrist *Pelvis *Hip *Femur *Knee *Tibia And Fibula *Ankle *Foot
PEDIATRIC MUSCULOSKELETAL RADIOLOGY *Skull *Spine *Extremities *Pelvis And Hips