This book has established itself as a standard guide to the planning and performance of studies such as therapeutic trials and health surveys among groups and populations. It covers the basics of the subject, formulating objectives, methods of collecting data, constructing a questionnaire, rather than looking at detailed statistical methods.
First Steps. Types ofInvestigation. Stages of an Investigation. Formulating the Objectives. The Objectives of Evaluative Studies. The Study Population. Control Groups. Sampling. The Variables. Defining the Variables. Definitions of Diseases. Scales of Measurement. Composite Scales. Methods of Collecting Data. Reliability. Validity. Interviews and Self-Administered Questionnaires. Constructing a Questionnaire. Surveying the Opinions of Experts. The Use of Documentary Sources. Planning the Records. Planning the Analysis. Pretests and Other Practical Preparations. Collecting the Data. Processing the Data. Interpreting the Findings. Making Sense of Associations. Generalizing from the Findings. Writing a Report. Clinical Trials. Programme Trials
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