Emergency Medicine 4th edition includes the latest advances and approaches in Emergency Medicine as well as incorporating extensive refinements of existing clinical management. Over sixty senior practising emergency clinicians and physicians have contributed on key areas such as resuscitation, CPR, heart attacks, trauma, paediatrics, airway management, pain relief, HIV, geriatric patients and overdose which have all been completely updated and rewritten. Providing concise information on diagnosis, investigations and treatment, Emergency Medicine 4th edition covers over 20 new topics and introduces 2 new chapters.
1. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 2. Securing the airway and ventilation 3. Resuscitation procedures 4. Emergency department ultrasound 5. Physiological monitoring in the Emergency Department 6. The patient with chest pain, dyspnoea or haemoptysis 7. Coronary syndromes and myocardial infarction. 8. Acute pulmonary oedema 9. Pulmonary emboli and venous thromboses 10. Shock 11. Emergency treatment of hypertension 12. Clinical electrocardiography and arrhythmia management, 13. Respiratory emergencies: The acutely breathless patient 14. Assessment and management of major trauma 15. Neurosurgical emergencies 16. Aortic aneurysms, dissections and acute limb ischaemia 17. Musculoskeletal injuries and orthopaedic principles 18. Head injuries 19. Urological trauma and emergencies 20. Burns 21. Lacerations and minor ED surgery 22. Analgesia and sedation in the emergency department 23. Patient transport and retrieval 24. Mass casualty, chemical, biological and radiological hazard contingencie 25. The seriously ill patient: Tips and traps 26. Neurological emergencies 27. Gastrointestinal emergencies 28. Overdose and poisoning 29. Drowning 30. Envenomation 31. Electrical injuries 32. Hypothermia and hyperthermia 33. Childhood emergencies 34. Geriatric care 35. Emergency gynaecology 36. Endocrine emergencies 37. Metabolic disorders 38. Ophthalmic emergencies 39. Ear, nose and throat emergencies 40. Dental emergencies 41. Psychiatric presentations 42. Dermatological emergencies 43. Infectious diseases 44. Patiens with HIV infection 45. The cancer neutropenic patient: 46. Emergency presentations of drugs and alcohol: 47. Emergency department haematology: 48. Diagnostic imaging in emergency patients 49. The General Practitioner 50. Medico-legal issues and assuring quality in emergency care