Completely updated and revised, the second edition provides primary care physicians with practice-tested, condition-specific treatment recommendations for various childhood mental disorders. Obtain clear guidance on dosing, monitoring, and potential adverse reactions of psychotropic medications for treatment of common psychiatric disorders and mental health or behavioral problems in children and adolescents. This simple, systematic approach defines discrete levels of psychotropics and spells out group-specific roles and responsibilities in accord with AAP policies. Plus, an included digital tool offers instant access to authoritative answers on specific conditions and medications. Topics include Conceptual framework for prescribing psychotropic drugs Medications for specific diagnoses:: ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression US Food and Drug Administration-Approved antipsychotics and mood stabilizers and all other medications What to do when treatment is unsuccessful
Introduction Part 1—Conceptual Framework Chapter 1—Conceptual Framework for Prescribing Psychotropic Part 2—Practical Guidance Chapter 2—Assessment Chapter 3—Prescribing Medications:: Getting Started Part 3—Group 1 Medications for Specific Diagnoses:: ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression Chapter 4—Group 1 Medications for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Chapter 5—Group 1 Medications for Anxiety and Depression Part 4—Group 2 (FDA-Approved Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizers) and Group 3 (All Other) Medications Chapter 6—Group 2 Medications:: Antipsychotics and Mood Stabilizer Chapter 7—Group 3 Medications Part 5—Advanced Topics Chapter 8—What to Do When Treatment Is Not Successful Appendixes Index
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