Programmed Learning Approach to Medical Terminology, 3rd Edition is ideal for self-paced study, classroom use, or distance learning. Reflecting current medical usage, the book facilitates study by including questions on the right side of each page and answers on the left. A bookmark (packaged with the text) allows students to cover the answers as they move down the page and reveal them as they go. This edition features a more concise presentation, new content, exercises in the book and online, and a robust array of online teaching and learning resources. digital version AVAILABLE. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s digital versions can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more. NEW AUTHOR:: Judi Nath, instructor of Medical Terminology and A&P at Lourdes University, brings her expertise to the new edition. REORGANIZED! Chapters are now aligned with the table of contents of A&P texts to make the book easier to navigate. NEW! Chapter-opening learning objectives prepare students for the content that follows. UPDATED! Pronunciations now match those in Stedman’s Medical Dictionary but are shown phonetically to reflect the book’s focus on oral communication. REVISED ART PROGRAM! More contemporary figures modernize the book’s look and feel and each disease section now includes at least one photo. AN INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER covers the basics of terminology. A BODY SYSTEM OVERVIEW provides the minimal coverage of Anatomy and Physiology students need to associate the terminology with the anatomy. HUNDREDS OF PRACTICE EXERCISES—available in self-instruction frames and program review frames—include a variety of question types, including fill-in-the-blank.