A new edition of this highly practical text aimed at the diagnostic radiologist and ultrasonographer which describes the techniques and clinical applications of high frequency ultrasound in the evaluation of superficial structures.
1 - Instrumentation G. Rizzatto 2 - Ultrasound contrast media in superficial structures B.B. Goldberg 3 - Morphology and structure G. Rizzatto 4 - Spectral and color Doppler signals E. Ueno 5 - Thyroid gland L. Solbiati 6 - Parathyroid glands C. Fugazzola 7 - Masses of the neck J.N. Bruneton 8 - US-guided interventional procedures in the neck L. Solbiati 9 - Salivary glands F. Candiani, C. Martinoli 10- Breast R. Chersevani 11- Testis and scrotum G. Rizzatto 12- Penis U. Patel 13- Eye and orbit G. Serafini 14- Skin and subcutaneous tissue S. Baldassarre 15- Lymph nodes J.N. Bruneton, L Rubaltelli 16- Peripheral nerves L. DePra 17- Muscles L.E. Derchi 18- Tendons L. DePra 19- Joints L.E. Derchi 20- US-guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system (French group, G. Serafini) 21- Bone and callus G. Rizzatto 22- Neonatal hip
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